Dr Luc Henry Speaks at ESGCT Congress and EIC symposium

Between October 24-27, members of the PAT4CGT consortium actively participated in the European Society of Gene and Cell Therapy's 30th Annual Congress.

Dr Luc Henry described PAT4CGT’s goals, objectives and progress during a panel discussion hosted by the EIC's Pathfinder Programme aimed at Europe’s cell and gene therapy sector.

Moderated by John Hodgson, former editor at large of Nature Biotechnology, the panel discussion heard from representatives from each of the projects within the EIC CGT Pathfinder portfolio.

Exothera presented no less than six posters and delivered two talks at the Congress as they showcased their unique capabilities, services and expertise to an attentive audience of likeminded industry titans.

PAT4CGT project coordinators, Da Vinci Labs, also attended the prestigious event, which showcased the latest cutting-edge developments in delivery vectors, genome engineering, and clinical trials.

Click on the image below to watch the Symposium


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PAT4CGT Functional Prototype Developed